
A Dalian Luobinsen New-product Event in May 25th


Dalian luobinsen Power Equipment Company and Shenzhen spruce wisdom company jointly organized the intelligent charging stack new product presentation successfully held in the first floor hall of luobinsen company in Dalian was. The new product conference has been supported by many local government leaders: Li Weibin,Director of Dalian Economic Information Committee; Hu Yuexin, deputy director of the Jin Pu new district business bureau; Wu Changchuan, director of Jin Pu new district Industrial economic operation Department all arrived at the new product conference.

The new conference? officially began on the morning of 9:00,? First of all, the director Li Weibin make a speech on the spot: New product conference held by Dalian luobinsen Power Equipment Company is another important moment for the development of new energy vehicle charging industry in China. Let us cherish the achievements of cooperation, make concerted efforts and seek common development, and make more and greater contributions to the construction of new energy vehicle charging industry.

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Li Weibin,Director of Dalian Economic Information Committee

Next, Cheng Weiping, President of Dalian luobinsen Power Equipment Company delivered an important speech: In recent years, luobinsen company has been seeking to development, deep cooperation with many companies, such as Zhong Tong bus, spruce wisdom, HUAWEI technology and so on. Dalian luobinsen focuses more on the field of electric vehicle charging equipment, the core team of the company accounts for more than 35% of the company staff. The core competitiveness of the company has been continuously improved. In the future, we still have to move towards a higher goal. Wei Dongsheng, executive vice president of the company, made a detailed introduction and report of the development process of Dalian luobinsen in recent years.

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Cheng Weiping, President of Dalian luobinsen Power Equipment Company
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Wei Dongsheng, executive vice president of Dalian Robinson Power Equipment Company

Wang Hongjie, Technical Manager of Dalian luobinsen Power Equipment Company, introduced the function of the company's new product intelligent charging stack. intelligent charging stack can solve many difficulties? in the construction and operation of the charging station, provide the best charging operation scheme for operators. Our products have the advantages of intelligent power distribution, intelligent management of energy consumption, intelligent data FTP, intelligent fault-location, terminal intelligent extension. The appearance of intelligent charging stack solve the problem of multi power compatibility of charging pile, and meet the needs of the charging requirements of the development of vehicle power battery technology, it can be extended according to charging demand. Greatly reduce the risk of building the charging station.

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Wang Hongjie, Technical Manager of Dalian luobinsen Power Equipment Company

Next under the leadership of the staff guests visited Dalian luobinsen's complete sets of workshop and modular workshop. In the product debugging area, the staff made the backstage demonstration of the intelligent charging stack, which enabled the customer to witness the power of the intelligent charging stack. By visiting the production process and inspection link of our company, greatly enhance the customer's confidence in our new products.? A total of five guests signed intention letter of cooperation with Dalian luobinsen.

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Intention contract signing ceremony

Through the new product conference, Dalian luobinsen's intelligent charging stack has been recognized and praised by government leaders, partners and media. The same evening, Dalian TV financial channel reported the situation of the conference, brand reputation of luobinsen in Dalian has been greatly improved. We believe that Dalian luobinsen's intelligent charging stack will lead the new trend of new energy charging equipment market.